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Lanzi Academy of Dance is a premier dance studio location in Uniontown PA that specializes in Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Tap, Lyrical, Contemporary, Acro, Tumbling, Hip Hop and Ballroom. Come learn from the best.


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West Coast!

Christina Lanzi

What a great time we had at West Coast! So proud of all the dancers who attended!!!

Megastar- Crying, No Choir, I gave you all, Papa, Kenzie for both, Kate, Emily, Maddy, Rhiannon

Superstar- Me against the music, Dancing, Do it big, Does he love you, Gypsy, Kate, Bria for both, Leah for both, Maddy, Sofia, Olivia, Eppie, Callie, Layla, Both sides now

5 star- Nylah, Amie form both

Special awards - Crying, Dancing, Maddy

2nd overall - Crying, Rhiannon

3rd overall - Kenzie, Both sides now

4th overall- Me against the music

5th overall- Does he love you

6th overall- Maddy

8th overall- Emily

10th overall- Kate, Eppie

Platinum scholarship- Kate

Gold Scholarshio- Kenzie, Eppie

Silver scholarship - Emily, Leah,

National scholarship- Ellie, Callie S, Carsyn

Regional year long scholarship- Maddy E, Maddy C

Emerging artist scholarshio - Sofia

Teacher shoutout - Mya and Addison